Langsam Law LLP

“There is no better advocate in New York, and maybe the universe, to have in your corner.”

Medical/Dental Malpractice

Posted January 31, 2016

This area of law involves the failures on the part of hospitals, doctors, dentists, or other health professionals to properly diagnose and treat medical and dental conditions, including obstetrical malpractice resulting in injuries at birth; pediatric malpractice; surgical malpractice, unexpected death, misdiagnosis, and delayed diagnosis of cancer, failure to properly render emergency room treatment; failure to properly perform cosmetic surgery; podiatric malpractice and failure to properly diagnose and treat dental problems. Some of the cases we are currently litigating in this area include a doctor’s failure to diagnose lung cancer in a 54-year-old man resulting in his death; a hospital’s failure to render appropriate medical care for a stab wound resulting in infection and corrective surgeries; a doctor’s improper prescription of Viagra to a cardiac patient causing his death; a hospital’s failure to properly treat a 25-year-old patient resulting in her death; a hospital’s failure to properly perform a catheterization resulting in permanent nerve damage; a podiatrist’s failure to properly perform a bunionectomy resulting in permanent impairment; a dentist’s failure to properly diagnose an abscess resulting in permanent injuries; a dentist’s failure to properly perform a tooth extraction resulting in perforation of the patient’s sinus.

Our NYC personal injury lawyers have successfully obtained monetary compensation for a victim’s physical and psychological injuries sustained as a result of malpractice.

Related Cases:

  • 2.3 Million Settlement in Medical Malpractice Case for Death of 32 year old wife and mother who died from pulmonary embolisms following plastic surgery, when the physician failed to respond to repeated telephone calls until after the woman had died.
  • $1 million settlement for woman whose ureters were cut during surgery
  • $175,000 settlement  for podiatric malpractice
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